Tuesday, June 9, 2020

USA: David Torn - Fur/Torn (Screwgun 2020)

hey! i've performed these pieces with an electric guitar, amp & pedals/electronics, at my home studio. i tend to record pretty often; sometimes i'm looking for new sonorities/noise, sometimes digging into textural motion & (errrm) "events/gestures", sometimes i think i'm writing, sometimes i'm just practising my instruments. if i begin recording, it's almost always because i feel a need to simply play with no boundaries (other than the ones clicking in that moment): to simply play. as thisall's been going on for a long time, i've amassed a hefty bunch of solo bits & pieces; i've chosen these 8 to begin releasing a wild herd of 'em. these were recorded live, without overdubs. thanks much for stopping by!, i hope you enjoy this, and peace to you.