Sunday, April 19, 2020

JazzWorldQuest Showcase 2020: Ramiro Pinheiro & Rafael Barata(Brazil)-Baião Cansado

Ramiro Pinheiro & Rafael Barata(Brazil)-Baião Cansado
Composer: Marco Pereira
Single: Baião Cansado
Label: La Cúpula Music
Baião is a Northeastern Brazilian music genre and dance style based on a syncopated duple meter rhythm, based around the pulse of the zabumba, a flat, double-headed bass drum played with a mallet in one hand and a stick in the other, each striking the opposite head of the drum for alternating high and low notes, frequently accompanied by an accordion and a triangle pattern. The baião rhythm is integral to the genres of forró, repente and coco (or embolada).
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