Wednesday, February 5, 2020

FRANCE : Stephane Wrembel – The Django Experiment V (Arte Boreal Records 2020)

Django Experiment V Cover (1).jpg

Stephane will release The Django Experiment V on his own Water is Life Records on January 23, 2020, which marks the 109th anniversary of the birth of Reinhardt, who is widely considered one of the greatest musicians of the twentieth century. As with the previous “experiments,” The Django Experiment V was recorded and mastered by Eric Ritter at The Windmill Recording Studio in Scranton, Pa., with Wrembel and his world-class band performing live, with no headphones or tracking, in a setting conducive to improvisation with each musician pushing their own boundaries to evoke new interpretations of Reinhardt’s music as well as songs by other jazz and gypsy jazz composers.