Wednesday, December 11, 2019

ITALY: JazzWorldQuest Showcase 2019 Featured: Francesco Schina-First Steps

This project, like many other projects born from the need to tell a story, talks about life, good and bad feelings.
The titles of songs tell our story through the music, speaking about good and bad times, about moments discouragement and resurgence.
The instinct is a fundamental element in art, essential to achieve something and “First Steps” is based precisely on the spontaneity of strong emotions, those that leave scars inside.
There is not secrecy in jazz, every time we play we cannot hide ourselves, we show our feelings and our mood through the sound of our instruments.
Blending many musical genres such as blues, latin jazz, modern jazz and jazz waltz, this album is about spreading the message of music without any intention to focus on saxophone only. So there is a lot of team work and interplay between the four musicians who enjoy a generous creative space to express their individual talent and skills.
Listening to these songs, we do not realize that many compositions have an odd number of bars, while others resemble the structure of standards, but in reality they are longer.
The intent of the musicians is to transmit their emotions to the listener through the multiple souic colors of the compositions.

Musicians: Francesco Schina (tenor sax) Andrea Pellegrini (piano) Bernardo Sacconi (bass) Piero Borri (drums)