Saturday, February 23, 2019

USA/NORWAY: Lage Lund-Terrible Animals (Criss Cross 2019)

Terrible Animals

Terrible Animals is perhaps the most compositionally ambitious and daringly performed of Lage Lund's five albums on Criss Cross. Joined by a never-before-convened, top-of-the-pyramid rhythm section (Sullivan Fortner, piano; Larry Grenadier, bass; Tyshawn Sorey, drums) the 39-year-old presents ten far-flung originals that elicit the full measure of their creativity over the 68-minute program, spurring Lund, who makes ingenious use of effects within his flow, to some of his most dynamic and varied playing on record.
Lage Lund "Terrible Animals" Criss Cross Jazz 2019 LL: Guitars, FX, Compositions Sullivan Fortner : Piano Larry Grenadier: Bass Tyshawn Sorey: Drums