The ensemble of Christian Wallumrod continues to evolve in its own
idiosyncratic way on Outstairs. By now, Wallumrods compositional
signature is instantly recognizable. Nobody else writes pieces like this
multi-dimensional chamber music inspired by the sonorities of Norwegian
folk and church music, influenced by early music and the post-Cage
avant-garde, and liberated by jazzs freedom of thought. This time
around, the ensemble members share the arranging credits between them,
making the music still more organic and flexible as new sound
combinations emerge.
Christian Wallumrød piano, harmonium, toy piano Eivind Lønning trumpet Gjermund Larsen violin, hardanger fiddle, viola Espen Reinertsen tenor saxophone Tove Törngren cello Per Oddvar Johansen drums, vibraphone
Stille Rock Bunadsbangla Tridili #2 Very Slow Startic Beatknit Folkskiss Third Try Ornament Outstairs Exp