Sunday, March 4, 2012
Claudio Scolari - Colors of Red Island (Principal Records 2010)
Claudio Scolari: drums, percussion, flute, piano and keyboards.
Daniele Cavalca: drums, bass guitar, vibraphone.
Simone Scolari: trumpet
Imagine a dialogue between 2 drum sets. Add electronic sounds and different acoustic instruments to complete this mysterious music
blend: welcome to a new musical dimension of modern jazz. The project presents an abstract musical vision of the past, present and
future, represented by a mixture of old and contemporary timbres.
The main role is given to the 2 drum sets played by Claudio Scolari and Daniele Cavalca supported by the background sound made with live percussions,
preregistered trackmelodic compositions are given to the Trumpet played by Simone Scolari.
Official web site:
Daniele Cavalca Claudio Scolari on Facebook
New review written by Brent Black "Critical Jazz Review" January 18, 2012.
Review written by Victor Aaron "Something Else"