Monday, October 24, 2016

USA: The Weekly Reeders- Interference (2016)


Around the year 2012, some NYC people who played reed instruments began to gather as frequently as possible, or weekly, to read gnarly multinational music, mostly composed by accordionist extraordinaire, Lee Tomboulian. Lee's influences come from Uruguay, where Maestro Hugo Fattoruso producer of his Circo: North/South Convergence CD; lives and reigns, Brazil, Armenia (his ancestral land), as well as Eastern Europe, the classical music of Europe and Russia, along with the classical music of the USA and Jazz. The music forms a fusion of these disparate influences, resulting in vibrant, dynamic textures, zany melodies, and diverse rhythmic grooves sourced from global meters. The group morphed and evolved through the years to its current incarnation: Lee on accordion, Carlos Cuevas on melodica, Janet Grice on bassoon, Anthony Smith on vibraphone, Cliff Schmitt on acoustic bass, Dave Silliman on percussion, with special guest Mino Cinelu adding his magic to these tracks. This may be the first recording released with this particular instrumentation, ever!