From his emergence in the mid-Eighties to the present, pianist Cyrus
Chestnut has declared himself a committed stylist completely infatuated
with his instrument and the art he’s sworn allegiance to, jazz. Chestnut
has consistently shown himself an improviser of rare ingenuity and
grace, yet what most distinguishes him from other gifted pianists of our
era may be the sheer pleasure that radiates from all that he plays.
While the characteristic cheer that Chestnut displays on "Natural
Essence" can be attributed to his undiminished vigor and attentiveness,
the presence of his notable cohorts also contributes to the leader’s
focus. With the dynamic Lenny White on drums and the redoubtable Buster
Williams on bass Cyrus & company breathe new life and vitality into
that most venerable of jazz ensemble formats, the piano trio.