"Pamela Rose presents Wild Women of Song" is a captivating showpiece celebrating the lives, times and music of the women songwriters of early jazz and blues. Critically acclaimed vocalist Pamela Rose features new YouTube episodes every "Wild" Wednesday!
Critically acclaimed jazz and blues vocalist Pamela Rose officially unveils her weekly YouTube series “Wild Women of Song” to audiences worldwide. The program is a captivating video showpiece celebrating the lives, times and music of the women songwriters who contributed to some of the most enduring standards of early jazz and blues. Discussion topics range from the beloved Bessie Smith and Peggy Lee - to lesser-known yet equally important songwriters including María Grever, Bernice Petkere, and Tot Seymour.
"Wild Women of Song" on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/WildWomenOfSong
“What’s really curious is that the histories of some of these women [songwriters] had almost been entirely obliterated. They were left out of books about [jazz and blues]. There weren’t that many images of them floating around” says Rose. “I began to be so fascinated with their lives. There was sexism, there was a lot of racism…and if you were a traveling musician you were facing a lot of horrendous life on the road stories.”
New segments are posted every “Wild” Wednesday. Episodes include elements of conversational storytelling, rare archival footage, special guest appearances, and interactive audience Q&A.
Rose’s “Wild Women of Song” YouTube series is the latest extension of her ongoing research project about the women songwriters of American Popular Song. Her live concert and stage show "Pamela Rose presents Wild Women of Song,” continues to be performed to capacity audiences at performing arts centers, jazz clubs and festivals, non-profit fundraisers and educational centers from Los Angeles to London.
Website: http://www.wildwomenofsong.com
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/WildWomenOfSong
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/WildWomenOfSong
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/WildWomenOfSong
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/WildWomenOfSong
“The Wild Women of Song project, both as a touring concert, and as ongoing research…is intended to repair a cultural amnesia regarding the contributions of women to the history of jazz and blues” says Rose. “If you are interested in songbook, blues, jazz, women, the history of the times - feel free to tune on in and subscribe.”
“Wild Women of Song” is a production of Hype Creation Studios (http://www.hypecreation.tv). Hype Creation is a digital media production group offering YouTube channel development for members of the creative community looking to engage and expand their audiences with emotionally resonant and intellectually stimulating video content.