Joi 24 mai 2012, 22: 15 @ ArtJazzLive
Calea Victoriei 52 Pasajul Englez
Joi 24 mai 2012, 19: 00 / CENTRUL NATIONAL DE ARTA „TINERIMEA ROMÂNA” / Izvor
Art Factory International Cultural Association and Florin Raducanu Pedagogy Art Factory Project in partnership with Tinerimea Romana(The Romanian Youth) - National Arts Centre presents Thursday, May 24, 2012, at 19.00 at the "Tinerimea Romana" Concert Hall Bucharest, Romania, the first edition of the "ART FACTORY YOUNG " AWARDS for young jazz and classical Romanian musicians.Prizes will be awarded for "jazz composition", "jazz arrangement-orchestration ", "international collaboration in 2011", "concert activity in 2011," "youngest jazz musician" along with other prizes with the purpose to encourage young talents with outstanding results in both classical music and jazz.