Tuesday, November 26, 2019

USA: Ben Cassara Quintet with special guest Jonathan Russell Jazz at Kitano Wednesday, December 11th Sets 8 & 10 PM

Ben Cassara Quintet
with special guest Jonathan Russell
Jazz at Kitano
Wednesday, December 11th
Sets 8 & 10 pm
Tickets & Info

One of the most engaging vocalists around….always in evidence a strong jazz influence in his vocalizing and choice of material. 
Joe Lang, Jersey Jazz

Connects emotionally with a song’s sentiments and actions. One jazz singer for whom words aren’t just syllables on which to hang notes….they’re the very center of the song.  
Mark Dundas Wood, Bistro Awards.Com
Cassara…gives a song a unique distinctive flavor all its own… incredibly intimate.  
-Will Friedwald, Music Critic and Author

Jonathan Russell is an award-winning jazz violinist, film composer and songwriter who connects with audiences through improvised jazz and writes multi-genre music that adds compelling experiences to visual media. His critically acclaimed performances in Europe and throughout the United States, at clubs and festivals such as the New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival and the Bohem Ragtime & Jazz Festival in Hungary, have earned the respect and praise of seasoned jazz musicians such as Wynton Marsalis, Bucky Pizzarelli and the late Les Paul.
