Saturday, April 27, 2019

USA: Celebrating the Count: Warren Vaché Quintet May 1st 2:30 PM Paul Robeson Gallery at Express Newark, Rutgers University

Celebrating the Count: His Music and the Basie Collection
A musical celebration of legendary jazz pianist/bandleader William “Count” Basie and the Institute of Jazz Studies acquisition of the Count Basie Collection
Performance by the Warren Vaché Quintet

Warren Vaché - trumpet
Andy Farber - sax
James Chirillo  - guitar
Peter Washington - bass
Dwayne Cook Broadnax - drums
Where: Paul Robeson Gallery at Express Newark, Rutgers University
54 Halsey Street, 3rd floor
Newark, NJ 07102
When: May 1, 2019 at 2:30 PM
Funding for this event is provided by the Rutgers Cultural Programming Committee.