Saturday, February 11, 2017

CUBA: The number one Cuban dance company is touring in 2017-2018-2019!

The number one Cuban dance company
is touring in 2017-2018-2019!
Don't miss your chance to book
this show to perform at your venue!

Available April/May 2018 & March 2019

Featuring an 8 piece Cuban band and a 16, all female, dance ensemble that fuses the mystery, passion, rhythm and music of Cuba!

Lizt Alfonso Dance Cuba (LADC) is the only Cuban dance company that has performed on Broadway, the Latin Grammy Awards and entertained audiences around the globe. Now in their 26th year, they have become one of the most prestigious companies in the world of the dance and music.

ALAS is a hymn to human spirituality. Large are the wings of Icarus - flying, growing, yearning to get away and hoping that the wax never melts. But if it can reach a safe harbor where love and kindness reign...
In November Lizt Alfonso visited the White House to receive the "International Spotlight Award" given by the The President’s Committee on the Arts and Humanities and Michelle Obama in recognition of her dedication in teaching the performing arts to children

Check out the video on YouTube!