engt Nordström
Sven-Åke Johansson
Alexander v. Schlippenbach
A unique 3CD-box from Umlaut Records putting in attention the musical collaborations between two of Sweden’s most headstrong musicians: the pioneers Bengt “Frippe” Nordström and Sven-Åke Johansson. The previously non-released music was recorded in Stockholm 1970, 1977 and 1982 and portrait the musicians both in format of a trio, including legendary pianist Alexander von Schlippenbach, and in a large orchestra led by Johansson including, at the time, young groundbreaking jazz musicians from Sweden, like Bernt Rosengren, Roland Keijser, Björn Alke and Bengt Berger.
This Stockholm Connection not only connects Central Europe with the Scandinavian scene of improvised music and jazz, but also put in attention the very important hidden role Bengt “Frippe” Nordström played for the development of this music in USA and beyond (he was the one who released the two first albums of his friend Albert Ayler in 1962 and 1963). The breath of Ayler is heard through the questioning saxophone of Frippe in this historical 3CD-box. At the same time, this music is not only presented as a historical guidance. The perspectives distort, and we hear something, almost alarming, actual. A music unfolding the scenery of the current gray haze of today. As if in a remembrance. The past glimpse of the future.
The box also includes extensive text material, photos and cuttings from among others Thomas Millroth, Orkester Journalen, Musics, and Joel Grip.
Umlaut Records