Thursday, April 2, 2015

Alex Coke Upcoming shows: JazzCafé ALL ELLINGTON

21:00 UUR
De Wittenstraat 100 (tram 10 halte De Wittenkade)
1052 BA Amsterdam
telefoon 020-6880127

The "Jazzcafe" improvisation series presents music that is created on
the spot to take shape for an audience. 14April the musicians are
Investigating the work of Duke Ellington under the title All Ellington

Jodi Gilbert - zang
Michael Moore - altsax, clarinet
Alex Coke - tenorsax
Christian Ferlaino - baritonsax
Jimmy Sernesky - trompet.
Eric Boeren - cornet
Joost Buis - trombone
Oscar Jan Hoogland - piano
Wilbert de Joode - bas
Michael Vatcher - drums

Alex Coke Website