Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Florin Raducanu Live Jazz Portret (Art Factory 2015)

A new release from Romanian pianist Florin Raducanu renowned for his successful achievements in the field of jazz-classical fusion.
Recorded live during a concert at the "Mihail Jora" Romanian Radio Broadcasting Concert Hall in 2014 the  five pieces of the album offer a convincing image of his art as a skilled performer composer and arranger, qualities he already demonstrated throughout his career in various concert halls at home and abroad. The concert reunites him with the prestigious “Radio Jazz Big Band " with whom he collaborated on other successful endeavors in the past and features five original pieces rich in fresh, inventive improvisations highly appreciated by the audience who gave standing ovation to the pianist and the band performers. Equally appreciated throughout the album are  many irresistible multi-layered reed arrangements fluidly integrated with the piano solos in the spirit of swing, cleverly matching the spirit of the compositions. An excellent live portrait that represents Florin Raducanu at his best and must not be missed by any jazz fan.

The album can be downloaded free from the musician's website.

1. Preambul de Florian Lungu  2.37
2. Summer Twenty Twelve – comp. & orch. F. Răducanu  8:25
3. Sketch of Tomaso Albinoni – comp. T. Albinoni / F. Răducanu orch. F. Răducanu  19:25
4. Jazz Fuga – comp. & orch. F. Răducanu  8:53
5. Concert Samba – comp. & orch. F. Răducanu  10:09
6. Blues dedicated to Little Giant Petrucciani – comp. & arr. F. Răducanu  11:07
Total Time : 60:36

Florin Răducanu – pianist, compozitor & orchestrator
Big Band-ul Radio, dirijor Ionel Tudor
Membrii grupului Florin Răducanu : Sebastian Mihai – sax. tenor, Adrian Flautistu – contrabas,
Gilberto Ortega – congas & Tudy Zaharescu – baterie (Big Band-ul Radio)