Sunday, November 3, 2013

ECHOES OF SWING sign contract with ACT Music

New album "BLUE PEPPER" released

ECHOES OF SWING have recently signed a contract with 'ACT Music + Vision'. Founded in 1992 by
Siggi Loch, the recording company has worldwide distribution and an extensive catalogue of 350 productions. ACT is now renowned as one of the leading independent Jazz labels. From 2010 until 2013 ACT was acknowledged as ‘Jazz label of the year’ and honoured with the ‘ECHO’ jazz award. ECHOES OF SWING look forward a to productive collaboration. The first ECHOES OF SWING album on the ACT has now been released.

(ACT Music)
now available at shops everywhere or directly at:

ACT 9102-2

New Website:

"They don't echo, but renew"

"A wonderful collection, each track is a gem!
'Echoes of Swing' collectively presents an approach like no other quartet,
while individually each player is a master."