„Colours of Spring“ habe ich dieses Album genannt, nachdem mich die Farben einer abstrakten Blumenfotografie an unsere Klänge bei der Einspielung dieser CD erinnert haben. Es war mir eine große Freude, mit zwei so hervorragenden Musikern wie Florian Weber und Henning Sieverts bei der Entstehung dieser CD meine Stücke erarbeiten zu können.
Peter Materna: “I have called this album COLOURS OF SPRING when the colours of an abstract flower photograph brought the sounds of this production back to my mind. I enjoyed so much to be able to work with two fabu-lous musicians on the recording of my compositions.
Florian Weber is in my opinion one of the most outstanding pianists worldwide. He is an exceptional virtuoso who also notices the slightest movements of his fellow musicians. He reacts directly, melodious and so be-witching that I must take care not to forget my own playing.
Henning Sieverts is about the most in demand bass player in Europe. It is no coincidence that he played at the Jazzfest Bonn (which I direct) more often than anybody, although just once with his own band. Henning can do anything. He has an open spirit not only absorbing the playing of his colleagues but casting a spell with his instrument, always nearly anticipating what will be happening next.” ENJA