Saturday, March 16, 2013

USA: Brass Band Week 2013

(Market wire - Dec 10, 2012)

The second annual Brass Band Week kicks off with another stellar line up of new and exciting young brass bands. Blue Train Production is proud to announced today that it will release seven brass band albums all in one week. Coming off the heels of a successful 2012 CD release, the company is poised to repeat the same formula by introducing newcomers and favorite bands back into the studio. This bold strategy of releasing all seven albums in one week has been meet with extreme enthusiasm throughout the city. The act it’s self is celebrated as a monumental achievement in the recording industry and serves as a testimony that this could only happen in the Crescent City. The remarkable catalog of new music will mark its debut the week leading into Jazz Fest. The event will be celebrated with a CD release party that will see all seven bands perform in one night in what has become know as a Brass Band Blow Out. With this being our second annual Brass Band Week event we plan to build stronger partnership with our sponsors as well as forge new relationship with partners that want to promote the rich and divers music culture of the city of New Orleans.

A lager part of the allure that has made Brass Band Week popular is the daily anticipation of witnessing a new release each day.This incredible catalog of music draws inspiration from it’s past while paving a new course in an art from that is rooted in the city’s history. This young generation of musicians hold’s nothing back and are unapologetic about their sound and the direction they have chosen. Their music is filled with colorful melodies as well as an energetic vibe in the way they deliver each note. The mastermind behind this ambitious project once again is its producer, Ben Coltrane who skillfully brings out the best in each band. Standing by his statement "I understand that  this can be perceived as a risky move for a record label, but I am confident that each album will stand on it's own. No album will be lost in the shuffle; there is no competition amongst the artists because each band offers something different.” If this statement is indicative of the last seven albums then we are sure to be in for a treat.The magic where all this music is conceived is at Music Shed Recording Studio located in the city of in New Orleans.

The studio enlisted their top engineers to help undertake this monumental project Kyle Lamy, Ben Lorio, Billy Moesta and Michael Dorsey. Music Shed and it’s engineers have over seen recording local artist such as Dr. John, The Rebirth Brass Band, Allen Toussaint and countless other musicians that resides in the city. Popular artist such as R.E.M, Norah Jones and The Dave Mathew band have also had recording sessions at Music Shed.Blue Train Production is committed to providing quality music year after year, as well as providing a platform for young musicians. The label is already hard at work in preparation for Brass Band Week 2014, securing recording agreements with several new artists. Brass Band Week will kick off with the release Free Spirit Brass Band debut album titled “New Verses Please.” Free Spirit is a young and emerging brass band that over the last year and a half has begun to make waves and command attention in their style and free spirit brand of playing music. This album is sure to be a crowd pleaser. “Mix it Like Gumbo” by One Mind Brass Band also marks their debut album, a band that leans on traditional style but employs youthful approach in playing the music. Lazy Boyz Brass Band lead by bandleader, Eric Gordon step into the limelight with their debut album titled “Klout” This contemporary album is filled with colorful tracks.

 The synonymous sound of the New Orleans trumpets lead by Eric Gordon belt out a sweet harmony that is easily receptive to the ear. The most highly anticipated brass band album ever to come out of the city is the much talked about “Danziger” by the Young Fellaz Brass Band. This relentless upbeat album tells the tragic story about Hurricane Katrina and the tragic story that took place on the Danziger Bridge. The iconic brass band of their generation, To Be Continued Brass Band releases their third studio album titled “The Return Of The Mass Appeal” once a again their signature sound is captured through this recording while covering such relevant artist like Jay-Z. Performed with a swagger that has gained the band much notoriety. Back by popular demand after their successful debut album “A Night At The Infirmary” The New Boyz Brass Band return with their much anticipated album “Mama it Must Be That Tuba” again the band captures that rich and fulfilling sound in this release as they pick up where they left off. Closing out the week will be The Most Wanted Brass Band with their debut album “Bring On The Ruckus” a pure contemporary album that show how far the music has come from the traditional second line marching bands as they sweep in with a fresh new sound.The record label is coming off a very successful year from having bands tour and meeting the new challenges in which CD’s are marketed and sold in this digital age. The label will continue to look for new and unique artist to record and remain committed to seeing that talent in the city of New Orleans is cultivated through financial and moral support.

About Blue Train Production Record Label 
Blue Train Production Inc. was founded in 2008 as an independent Record Label and distribution company engaged in the development, acquisition, financing, production, and recording for domestic (i.e., the United States and Canada) and foreign markets, and for subsequent worldwide release in other forms of media, including home video and Internet access.

Blue Train Production:
Management and booking:
Phone: (323) 578 9804

For New Orleans Jazz Fest 2013, Seven Magnificent Brass Band Albums will be Released: To Be Continued Brass Band, The Most Wanted Brass Band, New Boyz Brass Band, Lazy Boyz Brass Band, Young Fellaz Brass Band, Free Spirit Brass Band, One Mind Brass Band. These talented musicians from New Orleans are set to release a catalog of exciting debut and sophomore albums, an unprecedented move which will thrill jazz fans around the world.Free Spirit Brass Band Is Set To Free Your Mind, Body And Soul With Their Debut Album New Verses Please. (Release 4/22/2013)Bass drummer Jerel Brown formed and leads the extremely creative and talented ensemble of musicians you hear in Free Spirit Brass Band. His concept was that anybody could join the band and play and when playing you were free to explore beyond the boundaries that genres normally place on musical expression. Over three years since it started the band saw many faces come and go in New Verses Please. The album kicks off with an original composition titled “Logan Song,” an introduction to the bands style. The range and synchronization of the horn section is slick and powerful; even though the tracks feature traditional New Orleans rhythms the album still conveys originality. The bands rendition of “St. James Infirmary” is haunting and draws you back to a time when jazz flowed into the sidewalks of the city on foggy winter nights. The music leaves you totally entranced and you forget sometimes that this is a young band with an unorthodox way of interpreting jazz music. What a spell to cast! New Verses Please makes for a very impressive debut album.Recorded at Music Shed in New Orleans, Ben Coltrane continues to strike gold as he once again as proves that there is abundance of talent in that city. New Verses Please is engineered by Michael Dorsey, with executive producers Takako Hamanaka, Shane Tan and produced by Ben Coltrane. As Blue  Train Production continues to work side by side with these musicians, the result will always be a stunning combination of poetic and emotional expression that will please all fans of Jazz and Brass Band.

One Mind Brass Band Mind Blowing Debut Album Mix It Like Gumbo Serves Up A Mouth–Watering Recipe For Success. (Release 4/23/2013)While To Be Continued Brass Band gained most of the notoriety for ushering in a new sound and style to brass band music, post Katrina New Orleans saw a slue of young brass bands hit the music scene. One Mind Brass Band chose to remain committed to the tradition of the music. The band’s debut release Mix It like Gumbo is an outstanding all-around album. It oozes a retro seduction and nostalgic emotion while there is great emphasis to remain true to the roots of the music. The album kicks off with a great rendition of the Beatles classic “Come Together.” The composition of this track experiments with ideas outside the norms of New Orleans Brass Band music. It’s easy to see why brass band music fans will fall in love with this band. They begin with a gentle introductory melody that explodes into a rhythmic swing leaving listeners begging for more. Their arrangements stay rooted in jazz harmony, but remain exciting through creative rhythmic ideas.
Soloists create a space in which the art of improvisation can flourish. Mix It Like Gumbo marries ingredients of a rich and intense flavor with all the seasonings of a great album.Trumpet player Ebert Williams is the bandleader who has managed to assemble a band that respects the tradition of the music while playing to a new generation of listeners. Mix It Like Gumbo was recorded at Music Shed Studio in New Orleans Louisiana, engineered by Billy Moesta and produced by Ben Coltrane. After a string of contemporary albums from Blue Train Production Record Label it’s pleasant to see  a traditionally influenced album like Mix It Like Gumbo available just in time for Jazz Fest.

Lazy Boyz Brass Band Unleashes A Contemporary, Cool Style of Brass Band Music with Their Debut Album Titled Klout. (Release 4/24/2013)Eric Gordon, the leader and trumpet player for The Lazy Boyz Brass Band, espouses a contemporary and fresh sound in brass band music with dazzling tracks that are catchy and colorful. Klout marks the debut album of this young band, marking a sharp contrast between the past and the present in brass band music. Lazy Boyz Brass Band makes an effort to shatter boundaries that have always impeded brass band music from becoming mainstream. They do this by not only covering pop standards, but through their style of execution. The songs are delivered in a vibrant tone that will surely stand the test of time. The sweet and melodic sound of Eric Gordon’s playful trumpet as he takes his solo pulls the listener into a grand illusion of romance, a lost era when swing music filled the dance halls. Since the band hit the scene they have managed to secure gigs throughout the city as well as on call. Maison, a live jazz house on Frenchmen Street in New Orleans, is where they call home. They can often be seen at there on Friday or Saturday nights playing for tourists and locals. What continues to be remarkable is the pace in which this music is changing; the material that Lazy Boyz covers in Klout will surely be looked at as a pivotal point in which their music takes another giant step into the future. Klout was recorded at Music Shed engineer by Billy Moesta and produced by Ben Coltrane whose relentless campaign to continue to show case what the city of New Orleans is made of. Ben Coltrane: “My passion for the city can never be expressed in words, but rather through music, and my gratitude to the musicians I get to work with day in and day out.” What is not clear about this mild-mannered gentleman from the west is what direction he will take this music. When recently asked, he simply replied,  “You just have to wait and see.”

 Young Fellaz Brass Band Takes Us On A Journey Of Joy And Pain With Their Titled Album Danziger. (Release 4/25/2013)The post Katrina era saw many musicians in New Orleans express their emotions through music. A flood of musical literature filled the radio airwaves, so when Young Fellaz Brass Band announced that their third album would deal with the controversial subject matter of the Danziger Bridge shooting, you knew that this was going to be heavy material for a brass band. The outcome was not your typical collection of stories from the storm, but rather a powerfully melodic and sensitive record. Its upbeat pace paints a portrait of troubling times in our beloved city in full stylistic range. Throughout the recording, the saxophone’s sweet tone is doubled by the trombone section, carrying the melody and creating a distinctive sound, providing a rhythmic depth to make the record more satisfying. Danziger begins with a haunting trumpet solo accompanied by a voiceover that sets you up for a pure adrenaline rush. The upbeat and high tempo material comes at you with a force of joy while still portraying the story of an American tragedy. The impassioned deployment of their instruments in this recording shows that the musicians left nothing on the table. Danziger is an instrumental composition that embodies everything that is striking about brass band music. The album is nothing short of a masterpiece.Young Fellaz Brass Band entered into the arena at the start of the movement that forever changed their genre of music, an era that has become known as the Hip Hop generation. The band is credited as being the most innovative brass band as they are not afraid of tackling any material. Their style brings music from the shadows of the past into the present day. Danzinger was recorded at Music Shed Studio in New Orleans engineered by Kyle Lamy. Ben Coltrane once again serves as the music producer, His influence on the band has had a major impact in the band’s trajectory as they continue to find success.␣

TO BE CONTINUED BRASS BAND RELEASES The Return Of The Mass Appeal, ANOTHER SENSATIONAL ALBUM! (Release 4/26/2013)The boys are back. To Be Continued Brass Band, the most talented and respected brass band of their generation, has returned. To Be Continued, or TBC as they are often called, can be described as an amazingly well-crafted, controlled explosion of talent, creating a range and depth of music that is simply remarkable. This band got their humble beginnings playing on the corner of Bourbon and Canal. The Return Of The Mass Appeal is their fourth album, and it draws its inspiration from the days of their youth, the very days they established that street corner as a city landmark.␣ Taking the notoriety that Jackson Square had gained for many years, the craftsmanship of The Return Of The Mass Appeal shines from the moment the first beat strikes. What you hear is a band in absolutely in sync, their harmonies and the sound they generate spot on, adding an accessible immediacy to the recording. Several standout tracks such as: “I Wanna Dance,” “Summertime,” “Tell Me” and “Holla At My Dawg” will surely have you standing on your feet. What has always separated this brass band from the others is their unparalleled approach to composition; they find unique ways to interpret popular songs and make them their own. In The Return Of The Mass Appeal TBC will seamlessly shift between different genres track after track. They do this without ever losing the integrity of the album or the structure of the individual songs, an art form for which the best dance club DJ’s are synonymous.The highlight of the year was the TBC’s invitation to play at the North Sea Jazz Festival in Curacao. The show headlined such stars as Alicia Keys, Jill Scott, Carlos Santana and countless other superstars of Jazz and R&B. The band’s performance drew crowds. They emerged as a major highlight of the festival and had   the organizers requesting their return for future festivals worldwide.␣ The Return Of The Mass Appeal by To Be Continued Brass Band was recorded at Music Shed Studio in New Orleans, engineered by Michael Dorsey and produced by Ben Coltrane who’s credited for discovering the band and producing the band’s first album, Modern Times. Whether you are a big fan of their previous work or a first time listener, there is no doubt that you will enjoy The Return Of The Mass Appeal from start to finish.
New Boyz Brass Band Return Triumphant With Their Sophomore Album, Mama It Must Be That Tuba. (Release 4/27/2013)It is not surprising that when you are the most talked about band in the city and your debut album was a runaway success amongst brass band fans that you would naturally find your way back into the studio. A Night At The Infirmary, the bands debut album, showcased an array of brilliant tracks and a musical craftsmanship that left critics in awe. Though they employ the same secret formula this time around, Mama It Must Be That Tuba illustrates a level of maturity and sophistication in tone, structure and sound. Each composition requires the listener to pay full attention. The opening track “Dilemma” begins with a bouncy and explosive rhythm section setting the stage for each soloist to shine. All the musicians bring different ideas that coalesce into a rich, consistent, vibrant sound. Saxophonist Douane Tone is unforgettable; his phrases are truncated and breathless. He establishes an intimate and almost lackadaisical mood punctuated unexpectedly with growling bursts. This style of composition, where the role of the rhythm section is simply to provide the structure over which improvisers can drape their melodies, is executed extremely well. Mama It Must Be That Tuba manages to meet the high standard and expectations set by the bands critically acclaimed debut album, a rare and difficult achievement. 2013 will be a prosperous year, as the band will play more musical venues in New Orleans.Music producer Ben Coltrane returns the band to Music Shed Studio to create yet another memorable album. Ben Lorio serves as the record engineer whose credits include working with To Be Continued Brass Band, Soul Rebels Brass Band, Rebirth Brass Band and countless other bands.

Remarkable Debut Album From The Most Wanted Brass Band Bring On The Ruckus Is Bound To Leave You Speechless! (Release 4/28/2013)Bring On The Ruckus, the blistering new album from The Most Wanted Brass Band, can be best described as simply a masterpiece of understated cool. If you were to fast forward ten years from now this is what music would probably sound like. Several of the tracks explore beyond the boundaries of the genre as the band gives us a glimpse into the future. The music they create moves forward with the impact and flair of comprehensively devised blitzing horn arrangements, adding a rich, soulful sound that flows throughout the album.␣The variety and a multidimensional stance are a few striking attributes that make Bring On The Ruckus an easy listen. Travis Cater, bandleader and tuba player, assembled The Most Wanted by carefully selecting the top musicians from different brass bands. His priority was to find musicians that stood out in the bands they played in. His idea was that if you assemble these musicians into one unit, comprehensively they would have something fresh and new to say while retaining the technique that only comes with experience. While the band is fairly new it has musicians that have been playing brass band music for a long time. Members of the band are comprised from such bands as Free Agent Brass Band, One Mind Brass Band, To Be Continued Brass Band and We Are One Brass Band. Put all this talent in the hands of producer Ben Coltrane you are sure to have a hit record.␣Ben Lorio served as the music engineer Blue Train Production Record Label recorded the Bring On The Ruckus at Music Shed Studio In New Orleans Louisiana.