Friday, March 22, 2013

Michael Blanco - 'No Time Like the Present'

to me
Nineteen-Eight Records -
Nineteen-Eight Records
Michael Blanco - 'No Time Like the Present'
Hello and happy spring! We are always happy when the weather begins to warm up.

Nineteen-Eight is proud to announce the arrival of a new recording from bassist Michael Blanco. This album is a collection of Michael's original music and features some incredible playing by a band of well known NYC creative musicians:

John Ellis - Saxophone
Jonathan Kreisberg - Guitar
David Cook - Piano
Mark Ferber - Drums
Nineteen-Eight Records
Asuka Kakitani and Bloom
Composer and arranger Asuka Kakitani's debut recording, Bloom, is now available!

"On this album, her compositions sigh, dream, rise, slip quietly into shifting moods and build toward fragrant crescendos." - Jazz Wax

Coming Soon from Nineteen-Eight Records:

Mike Pope - Cold Truth Warm Heart