"“Keep that music simple…” Dr. John
“Black music triggered the most important cultural upheaval of the past hundred years. It’s provided us with a whole new grammar of sounds, rhythms and harmonies, as well as a different way of considering others. No human relationship can bear fruits unless it is based on consideration. Otis and Aretha didn’t tell us anything else when they asked for R.E.S.P.E.C.T. Lack of consideration is probably the greatest ill of our broken society.” J.J. Milteau
Mike was born in Chicago, the world capital of the blues, before flying off to California where he worked with Quincy Jones; Ron was brought up in the church where he used to sing with his mother, then moved on to reggae music, and Manu learned to play the guitar listening to French bard Georges Brassens and the hits of the Beatles before he heard Muddy Waters and B.B. King.
J.J. decided to bring them together with a simple idea: play naturally. A few sound checks, backstage rehearsals, emails and hotel rooms later, they came up with this Consideration, an album that reflects the musical and human ideals they have in common."
Upcoming shows
november 2012
Sunday 18 NovemberSaint Leu J.J. Milteau
Friday 7 December Orsay MJC "Tati" J.J. Milteau
Friday 14 December La Rochelle Scène Nationale J.J. Milteau "Consideration"
Jean-Jacques Milteau