Sunday, August 19, 2012

Maureen Aku Disu - One Human Race (2012)

Maureen Aku Disu who is currently a final year Bsc student in University of Dublin; a student nurse in St James Hospital Dublin, migrated to Ireland from Africa as a young girl. She struggled against a lot of obstacles (especially financially) to put herself through university. Born to African Parents who never knew that a country called Ireland existed but named her Maureen (an Irish name) without knowing anything about the name, never did anyone know that she was going to end up in the country where her name originates from.

Song writing is something she says makes her feel powerful when she feels powerless. She says “I write when I’m happy and I write when I’m sad but I find that I write more when I’m angry.” In this single “One Human Race”, Maureen sings about an issue which she said she finds very frustrating. “Racism” 

She says,
“The differences in our skin colour should be something celebrated but should not be a source of division among us.” 
“I used to think that racism was only something you see in movies of the history of America but sadly, it’s still alive and well in a lot of countries.” 
“Racism destroys lives, why can’t people see the damage it causes?”
“I wish I was colourless, I wish every human being has no colour”
“Racism is pure ignorance and foolishness”
I am a very strong person, but I must confess that there’s been times when the racism I’ve experienced has made me cry"
