Friday, June 8, 2012

UNCOOL music for cosmic life Valposchiavo 18 - 24 June 2012

UNCOOL 2012 is dedicated to Michael Ray

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M O N D A Y   J U N E   18
14:00 Scuole Poschiavo Peter Giger
14:00 Scuole Poschiavo The Sun Ra Arkestra under the direction of Marshall Allen
14:00 Asilo Le Prese The Sun Ra Arkestra
14:00 Scuole San Carlo Peter Giger
14:00 Scuole Annunziata The Sun Ra Arkestra under the direction of Marshall Allen

W E D N E S D A Y   J U N E   2 0  –  S A T U R D A Y   J U N E   23
11:00–18:00 Rio Poschiavo The Venus Project film, exhibition, discussion
11:00–18:00 Galleria PGI Poschiavo Amnesia’s Landscape Yumenoato
11:00–18:00 Galleria PGI Poschiavo Costumes’ Sketches Isa Mehnert
11:00–18:00 Lo Spazio Poschiavo El aprendiz and Encuentros / Orilla Nelson Ladicani
during the night Lo Spazio Poschiavo Realm of Lightening Peter Dennett
during the festival 17th International Sun Ra Convention Hartmut Geerken

W E D N E S D A Y   J U N E  20
17:00 Rio Poschiavo The Venus Project vernissage
17:00 Galleria PGI Poschiavo Amnesia’s Landscape world premiere
Yumenoato: Gyohei Zaitsu dance Götz Rogge imagery Andreas Fröba sound
Audrey Chen voice Evan Parker soprano saxophone Aleksander Kolkowski stroh cello
& gramophone disc recording Robin Hayward tuba Rolf Sudmann trautonium
Costumes’ Sketches vernissage
21:00 Piazza Poschiavo OEDIPUS and The Sun Ra Arkestra under the direction of
Marshall Allen
 dress rehearsal
24:00 Lo Spazio Poschiavo Realm of Lightening, El aprendiz and Encuentros / Orilla vernissage
Olaf Rupp guitar

T H U R S D A Y   J U N E  21 Solstice
21:00 Piazza Poschiavo AKHENATEN and The Sun Ra Arkestra under the direction of
Marshall Allen
 dress rehearsal

F R I D A Y   J U N E  22
08:15 Stazione Poschiavo Mountain walk Marco Lavizzari blind pathfi nder
15:00 Rio Poschiavo The Venus Project Jacque Fresco and Roxanne Meadows
fi lm, videoconference
20:00 Piazza Poschiavo Peter Giger Solo Duo Trio Peter Giger drums Tom Nicholas conga,
percussion Gerd Dudek tenor & soprano saxophones Vitold Rek bass Alberto Mesirca guitar
Jonas Giger drums
22:00 Piazza Poschiavo OEDIPUS and The Sun Ra Arkestra under the direction of
Marshall Allen
 world premiere
The Sun Ra Arkestra: Marshall Allen alto saxophone, fl ute, clarinet, electric valve instrument, kora Knoel Scott: alto saxophone, vocals, conga Abshalom Ben Shlomo alto saxophone, clarinet
Charles Davis tenor saxophone
James Stewart tenor saxophone
Danny Ray Thompson baritone saxophone, flute, bongo
Michael Ray trumpet, vocals
Cecil Brooks trumpet
Fred Adams trumpet
Vincent Chancey french horn
Craig Harris trombone
Dave Davis trombone
Farid Barron piano, moog synthesizer
David Hotep guitar
Nina Bogomas harp
Tara Middleton violin
Owen “Fiidla” Brown violin
George Burton viola
Kash Killion cello, sarangi, bolong
Tyler Mitchell bass
Craig Haynes drums
Ronald McBee percussion
Elson Nascimento surdo, percussion
Chandra Washington dance
Lee Marieme Priestly dance
Oedipus: Jakob Renger Oedipus / Laius / Jokasta
Veronika Nowag-Jones direction
Isa Mehnert costumes
Götz Rogge projection imagery
KA concept, text
24:00 Caffé Flora Poschiavo dead for aunt Marco Baumann guitar Adamo Costa bass, voice
Corrado Crameri drum

S A T U R D A Y   J U N E  23
08:15 Stazione Poschiavo Meditative mountain walk Flavio Alessi
15:00 Rio Poschiavo The Venus Project TVP Support /Activism Team DE fi lm, discussion
20:00 Piazza Poschiavo Peter Giger Solo Duo Trio
22:00 Piazza Poschiavo AKHENATEN and The Sun Ra Arkestra under the direction of
Marshall Allen
 world premiere
Akhenaten: Ina Maria Jaich Akhenaten / Tiye / Nefertiti Veronika Nowag-Jones direction
Isa Mehnert costumes Götz Rogge projection imagery KA concept, text
24:00 Lago di Poschiavo Bonfi re / Falò

S U N D A Y   J U N E  24

14:00 Alpe Palü Michael Ray trumpet, keyboard