Both Stylles' biography and his music betray a fondness for George Benson's playing, but not the Benson that sets off fusion fireworks or deals in smooth grooves. Stylles' style usually veers closer to the Benson that took the baton from Wes Montgomery and ran with it.
While Stylles is clearly the star of this show, his trio mates are superb supporting players that help to drive this music along. Organist Pat Bianchi brings his bright and cutting sound to bear on a large number of these pieces, but he also proves to be a sensitive accompanist, capable of dialing things down when the music calls for it ("Don't Explain"). His solos on the livelier material can be exciting and unpredictable, as demonstrated with some sprays of notes on "Tune For Roger," or straightforward in a pleasing manner. As per most organ group recordings, the drummer—Lawrence Leathers—gets little space to solo, but Leathers' swinging drumming is the heartbeat of this music. DAN BILAWSKY,allaboutjazz