Saturday, November 19, 2011

Brazilian World Music Day on Sept. 7, 2012

Brazilian World Music Day
- ARC is creating Brazilian World Music Day on Sept. 7, 2012 and the Brazilian Music Collection.
In 2011 we launched our first "World Music Day" celebrating Islamic music and culture - have a look: here.This site was accessed by more than three million people worldwide on the initial date and still gets over 2,000 visitors daily. The project was awarded the prestigious "Innovative Use of Archives Award" by the Archivists Round Table of Metropolitan New York.
Building on this success ARC is developing the first Brazilian World Music Day (BWMD). BWMD will be an online website to present, promote and explore the rich cultural heritage of Brazilian music of the past, present and future. BWMD will offer videos, histories, seminars, concerts, lectures, sound files, sheet music, album cover art galleries, essays, blogs, photos and links all highlighting the importance and beauty of Brazilian music as well as educate a global audience about it's many genres and facets.
A major component of BWMD will be the database describing ARC's Brazilian Music Collection and Brazilian recordings held by all archives and libraries around the world. ARC is already the largest collection of Brazilian music outside of Brazil, with more than 5,000 recordings. Our goal is to grow this collection of 78s, LPs and CDs in partnership with a cultural institution in Brazil. Information on all Brazilian recordings in the world will be posted in a freely available online database for reference and research as part of the website.
ARC is also seeking partners and sponsors to help us complete this important work and help present Brazilian World Music Day on September 7, 2012, Brazil's National Day. Founding Partners include Columbia University Libraries , a private donor, Alan Bastos, and GracenoteThe project director for Brazilian World Music Day is New York based producer Beco Dranoff.
Website coming soon. The blog is up at : Formal press release on Nov 14, 2011. Please contact Beco or ARC Director B. George at or call: 212-226-6967. Please join us in creating this important project. Look for 'Days' exploring India (2013), Scandinavia (2014), Cuba (2015), China (2016) and then ?