Friday, September 9, 2011

Jay Ashby & Steve Davis - Mistaken Identity (MCG Jazz 2011)

Jay Ashby website
Some have called Jay Ashby “the most overqualified yet underrated musical talent of the last two decades.” Bob Protzman believes that, “Jay Ashby just might be among the most accomplished and successful - yet least known - musicians in jazz.” 

Steve Davis website

Steve is one of the greatest Trombone Players in the world.  I’ve played with a lot of them including Slide Hampton, Curtis Fuller and J.J. Johnson, and Steve is one of the best.  The first thing I noticed about him was his pretty tone.  He expresses things on the trombone that people don’t usually play on that instrument.  I’m looking forward to playing with him again soon.”  
-- Freddie Hubbard (2007)