The Rent (Ontario / Québec)
TILTING - Nicolas Caloia Quartet (Québec)
Paul Plimley, William Parker, Gerry Hemingway (BC / USA / Switzerland)
Marianne Trudel Septet (Québec, British Columbia, Ontario)
Trygve Seim and Andreas Utnem (Norway)
Christine Duncan and the Element Choir Project with William Parker (Ontario / USA)
Stretch Orchestra (Ontario)
Trevor Watts & Veryan Weston (UK)
Sound One (Ontario)
Jane Bunnett and KidsAbility Youth Ensemble (Ontario)
Lotte Anker, Craig Taborn & Gerald Cleaver (Denmark / USA)
The Necks (Australia)
Jayme Stone's Room of Wonders (USA / Ontario)
Opposite of Everything (Ontario)
Shane Phillips: A Tribute to Gil Scott-Heron (Ontario)
Mike Essoudry's Mash Potato Mashers (Ontario)
Hypnotic Brass Ensemble (USA)
Henry Threadgill's Zooid (USA)
Rebel Rhythm with Jane Bunnett & Larry Cramer (Ontario)
Minotaurs (Ontario)
Esmerine (Québec)
Creative Collective, ft. Kidd Jordan, Joel Futterman, William Parker and Alvin Fielder (USA)