"Jazz singers Suzanne Cloud and Wendy Simon-Sinkler started JBP to raise money for fellow jazz and blues players struggling with illness, debt, and legal issues. It raises funds as other nonprofits do - using the crowd-sourcing fund-raiser website Kickstarter, for example. It's also a concert presenter, staging shows featuring (and on behalf of) local jazz crusaders. And the Jazz Bridge website (www.jazzbridge.org) is a clearinghouse and events list for jazz throughout the area"
Jazz Bridge Presents
The next two shows in Jazz Bridge's Neighborhood Concert Series:
Thursday: Singer Ella Gahant with host Mike Boone, 7:30 p.m., Arch Street Friends Meeting House (East Room), 320 Arch St.
Nov. 21: Percussionist Francois Zayas with host Denise Montana, 7:30 p.m., Unitarian Universalist Church, 145 W. Rose Tree Rd., Media.
Tickets: $10; $5 for students.
Information: 215-517-8337, www.jazzbridge.org.
Read more: http://www.philly.com/philly/entertainment/20121113_Jazz_Bridge_Presents.html#ixzz2C8oFOPxJ
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Read more: A hand for jazz / A.D. AMOROSI, FOR THE INQUIRER