Wednesday, July 11, 2012

FEIGENWINTER 3 - Vanishing Point (2012)

Hans Feigenwinter – Piano
Wolfgang Zwiauer – Electric bass guitar
Arno Troxler – Drums

Compact renderings of instrumental songs on drums, bass and piano. Songs that are launch pads for collective improvisation, destination unknown. This is the range spanned by FEIGENWINTER 3 ever since the beginning of the band. Half way between «White Cube», released in 2009, and today, FEIGENWINTER 3 began experimenting with new material in rehearsals and concerts until they had developed a full repertoire: a collection of instrumental songs that fit the trio perfectly. Long years of experience as a band allow them to explore new frontiers and integrate them into a world of their own creation. FEIGENWINTER 3 maintain and intensify their characteristic balancing act between complexity and catchy tunes, songs and improvisation, the collective and the individual: dark moods, never heard in quite this way before, find their resolution in an equally fresh optimism. The interplay between individual musical lines is accentuated. In «Vanishing Point», FEIGENWINTER 3 expand their concept of the instrumental song, which can now appear to be tightly written and tend more towards improvisation at the same time. This allows the trio to wander far from the original theme while always staying close to the melody.
 Unit Records