Contact: NL Cutean/ 512.440.0915
Images available on request
Alex Coke at BrokkenFabriek: Wake Up Dead Man Workshop/Concert
Every Tuesday in November:
1-11, 8-11, 15-11, 22-11
Concert, Sunday 27-11
Tuesday Workshops 8:00 p.m. to 10:30 p.m.
Concert: TBA
Zalle 100
De Wittenstraat 100
1052 BA Amsterdam
Event Description:
Every Tuesday in November,
Alex Coke leads a workshop based on his work Wake Up Dead Man
with a concert the last Sunday of the month at Zaal 100.
Wake Up Dead Man is a piece in six movements composed by Coke for the Texas Sesquicentennial (150 year anniversary of statehood).
The music is inspired by prison work songs and a book of the same title by Bruce Jackson.
Plans include arranging sections of the piece for the group, discussion of prison and work songs, and creating new material as the month unfolds.
Rehearsals: 4 times per month on Tuesday evenings 8:00 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. De Wittenstraat 100, Amsterdam
Cost: 30 Euros, - per month, 15 Euros, - for students
The month ends with a performance as part of the monthly Brokkenmiddag, the last Sunday of the month at Zaal 100.
sign up:
a two minute talk about the project
About the series:
"What are they building in there? "
The Brokkenfabriek was founded by Corrie van Binsbergen in January 2008. Motivated, talented musicians with an interest in the combination of composition/improvisation receive masterclasses for a month, from different musical leaders. Every leader has, of course, a completely different approach and the material that is offered is therefore very varied. The BrokkenFabriek consists of a pool of musicians and changes every month, depending on the workshopleader and his plans.
Workshop leaders past were: Corrie van Binsbergen, Joost Buis, Hans Hasebos, Albert van Veenendaal, Arend Niks, Ernst Reijseger, Anton Goudsmit, Guus Janssen, Oene van Geel, Felicity Provan, David Kweksilber, Michael Moore, Michael Burr, Alan Purves, Raphael Vanoli, Wilbert de Joode and Sean Bergin.